The Original Mattress Factory Blog

The Original Mattress Factory

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Custom RV mattresses: How to upgrade your home on the road
Your RV brings all the comforts of home to the open road. You can travel the country, whip up your favorite meal, and catch up on your favorite Netflix show, all in one place. But if the mattress in your RV isn’t providing you
Why you can’t always trust mattress reviews
Whether you’re trying to select a restaurant for dinner or preparing for a big purchase, reviews are a common way many consumers conduct research before making a decision. They can be a great way to learn about other customer’s
How to find the most comfortable mattress for you
Here at The Original Mattress Factory, we feel that there are four elements that are important to keep in mind while shopping for a mattress: comfort, support, durability, and price.
How long should your mattress last?
When you’re shopping for a new mattress, you may want to know how long you can expect that mattress to last. The answer to that question can depend on a variety of factors.
3 signs it’s time to replace your mattress
One of the most common questions we hear from customers is: How often should I replace my mattress? While the mattress industry has its own recommendations, we believe that only you can know when it may be time to start shopping
5 ways the mattress industry tries to confuse you
The mattress industry is filled with misinformation. Instead of being honest and transparent in the way they make, advertise, and sell their products, mattress manufacturers and retailers have gone out of their way to confuse
Foam or innerspring mattresses: Which provides the best support?
When you’re shopping for a new mattress, there are a few features you’ll want to consider: comfort, support, durability, and price. Support comes from the core of the mattress, and it’s important that your mattress provides
Do you really need a box spring?
When you’re shopping for a new mattress, you might wonder whether you actually need a new box spring to go with it. Maybe you have an old one at home — or maybe you’re wondering if you even need one at all. Does a box spring
3 ways The Original Mattress Factory is different
From the very beginning, The Original Mattress Factory has done things differently than other mattress manufacturers and retailers. When Ron Trzcinski saw the mattress industry going in a direction with which he no longer agreed,