The Original Mattress Factory Blog

Sleep Tax-Free: Original Mattress Factory's Guide to Ohio's Sales Tax Holiday
Start Your Days Accomplished: The Powerful Benefits of Making Your Bed
As morning alarms jolt us awake, beginning another busy day often feels chaotic - rushing to get dressed, wrangling kids out the door for school, skipping breakfast again and just trying to stay afloat. But what if starting on
Do I need to try out mattresses if I'm a previous customer?
From our Factory to your Home
Old School: New Cool – Embracing our “Dinosaur” Identity
Old School Doesn’t Go Extinct. They Say Dinosaur, We Say Thank You. A customer recently shared their story on how a competitor’s sales associate talked about our mattresses. The associate stated, “I know OMF mattresses last
Why The Original Mattress Factory Doesn't Offer a Bed in a Box
Celebrate National Made in the USA Day with The Original Mattress Factory!
Every year on July 2nd, Americans come together to celebrate National Made in the USA Day. Never heard of it? It's a day to honor and support products manufactured in our great nation. The Original Mattress Factory truly
Tips for Spring cleaning your bedroom
Spring is in full swing! That means warmer temperatures, outdoor activities, and extended daylight! Springtime is considered by many as a season for positive change and renewal. What better way to embrace the spirit of Spring
How to make getting your child’s first big kid bed feel special
When your child is ready for their first “big kid" bed, you may be a bit nervous about how they’ll handle the transition. But there are a few things that you can do to help make that transition as smooth as possible, and The
Comparing the OMF innerspring vs. standard encased coils
Proper support is vital to healthy sleep, and support comes from the core of your mattress — typically either an innerspring or foam core.